Techniques of Pottery Production in Kenyan Prisons
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Published: 16 March 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The purpose of the study was to assess techniques of pottery production used by inmates in Kenyan prisons. Pottery techniques used in Kenyan prisonslack standardization. Descriptive research design guided the study. The study areas were Lang’ata and Kisii women prisons with a population of 30 inmates. Saturated sampling technique was used to pick all the 30 inmates who engaged in pottery. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings indicated that coiling technique was the most used. The findings found out that inmate potters with post-secondary education could apply more than one technique in their pottery work unlike other inmate potters. Thus, the findings show that education increases inmate potters’ ability to apply various techniques.The study recommended the use of modern technology and expose inmates to more integrated techniques of pottery production.
Keywords: Pottery, Techniques, Education, Production, Inmates

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How to Cite
Otieno Jane, Abong'o Susan, Dr. Wagah Mical Ongachi. (2020-03-16). "Techniques of Pottery Production in Kenyan Prisons." *Volume 3*, 1, 11-15